To my blog..... I'm afraid it's probably not going to be interesting to most people but for me it's just a chance to share a few thoughts, feelings, good times, bad times, things I like, things I don't like, my craft projects, my ideas and other things I can't vent on my kids blog page so this blog instead is "all about me" for a change.
All about me - Well my name is Karen, I am mum to two beautiful girls Ruby & Matilda and wife to Craig, we live in Sydney but Craig & I are both from the UK, York where I grew up (although my parents were 10 pound pommes in the 70's and I was born in Sydney) and Leeds, we met here backpacking in 2001 and married in 2006, which was also the year our 1st daughter Ruby was born and nearly 2 years later Matilda arrived in 2008. I feel very blessed to have two wonderful daughters who are the absolute delight of my life, I also feel very privileged that I am able to be a stay at home mum and enjoy every day with my delightful girls.
At the moment I have really got into sewing I love it, I love turning a piece of fabric into something beautiful and useful, like a dress for my daughter or a clutch bag for my friends and my current project is something I am making for my mum which I would love to share but won't in case she reads this. I am also in the process of making a range of tablemats I hope to sell and some pillow cases for my daughters.
Because I am loving sewing so much at the moment I have also discovered a love of fabric and it doesn't matter if I have a project in mind or not, if I see that fabric I love I just have to have it and hence I am becoming a fabric hoarder and I just can't help it.
My other interests include TV - I love TV I have to admit it but I really do love TV, I mean I really really do love TV, my favourite TV shows include, Grey's Anatomy, Lost, 24, Flash Forward, Masterchef Australia, Grand Designs, Modern Family, The Restaurant, Dragon's Den, Damages, Survivor, The Amazing Race, The Apprentice, anything about house building/renovations etc I could go on but I think you've got it I am a TV addict. So does being a TV addict leave room for anything else yes but only just, I love red wine and a good red wine at that, I love reading reading and more reading if I don't have a book on the go at all times, I feel weird like something is missing in fact I hate being without a book to read and if I had to choose to give up TV or books I'd choose TV like a shot I love books as much as I love red wine, cups of tea, a good flat white coffee and cheese. I'm uncomplicated but I do know what I like.
And yes I could go on and on and on but I won't as I am very excited about my next entry into my blog which is going to be about a few of my favourite things which I have discovered in the last month and absolutely love and it's got nothing to do with books or TV for a change
So I hope you will sit back and enjoy reading my non too interesting but hopefully quirky blog
Until next time
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